Tuesday, January 21, 2020

5 At-Home BV Tests + Treatments

Most generic at-home BV tests will involve testing the pH level of the vagina. This will mean inserting a specialized swab into the vagina and rotating it for several seconds before removing it. Using an at-home BV test is a discreet way of finding out if you have BV or if your pH levels are off. However, they aren’t a replacement for seeing a doctor and can instead be used as an alternative, or precursor, to seeing one.

can you treat bv at home

Your doctor may examine the vaginal secretions under a microscope, looking for "clue cells," vaginal cells covered with bacteria that are a sign of bacterial vaginosis. A gentle and natural formula to promote pH balance for improved vaginal health support. Other at-home BV tests will require you to swab your vagina with the swab provided before sending it off for lab testing.


Over-the-counter suppositories and creams have been shown to cure around 80% of yeast infections. Research shows no difference in the seven-day versus fourteen-day courses of treatment available at most drug stores. Non-prescription medication for yeast infections remains a viable choice for women to treat their vaginitis at home. If boric acid isn't your thing and it's too late for prevention, there are extremely effective vaginitis treatment options available by prescription. For bacterial vaginosis, antibiotic therapy is appropriate.

Remember to always consult with your physician before trying any home remedies or over-the-counter treatments. Vaginitis is often diagnosed through a physical exam, discussion of symptoms, and basic lab tests. Most often, your doctor will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic or topical treatment.

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When making changes to your diet, always consult a medical professional and monitor any changes in your symptoms. Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms of BV and want to give boric acid a try. Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection that’s usually triggered by a change in your vaginal pH.

Women should be advised to refrain from sexual activity or to use condoms consistently and correctly during the BV treatment regimen. Douching might increase the risk for relapse, and no data support use of douching for treatment or symptom relief. Once a doctor has decided the bacteria, yeast, or parasite source of the vulvovaginitis, they will diagnose the type of vulvovaginitis, and treatment can begin. Seeing a doctor is the best way to determine what is happening and to get the right treatments because of the many causes, including sexual contact. Typically, the symptoms of vulvovaginitis affect both the vulva and vagina.

What are the symptoms?

You have recently had sex with new or multiple partners; some STDs have symptoms similar to BV. Coconut oil can be used preventatively or as a direct treatment option. Bacterial vaginosis can result in itching and irritation along with a painful or burning sensation when urinating. It can also cause pain during intercourse and in some cases even light bleeding or spotting. In rare cases, the infection can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes. This causes a condition called pelvic inflammatory disease and can potentially lead to infertility.

But sometimes, this delicate vaginal balance goes for a toss when the bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria. Typically, this condition, which affects many women, causes an abnormal vaginal discharge that may be gray or white in color, and watery and thin. You may also sense a powerful fishy smell especially after sexual intercourse or during menstruation.

The company says the color of the strip will change depending on the pH levels in the vagina. They provide a scale on the bottle as an indication of a normal and abnormal pH balance. Natureland Vaginal Health pH Strips test the pH levels in a person’s vagina to identify any abnormalities. Wrapped and sealed in aluminum pouches, each test will return results in approximately 20 seconds. Plain yogurt douches may help as well with no need to dilute yogurt.

can you treat bv at home

In a 2009 study, a combination of suppressive antimicrobial therapy and intravaginal boric acid were used to treat recurring BV in 58 women. According to a 2014 review, which focused on the effects of probiotics on bacterial vaginosis, there’s evidence that taking probiotic supplements daily may help treat and prevent BV. Read on to learn about the best treatments for bacterial vaginosis, plus tips for lowering your risk.


BV appears to recur with higher frequency among women who have HIV infection . Women with HIV infection and BV should receive the same treatment regimen as those who do not have HIV. Treatment for vulvovaginitis depends on the cause, and some cases may go away without treatment. Medications, such as metronidazole or clindamycin are only available with a doctor’s prescription. Doctors usually prescribe medication to treat the causes of vulvovaginitis.

Typically, the most common symptom can be a foul, fishy odor emanating from the vagina, with some women experiencing itching, burning, or an unusual gray discharge, per medicalnewstoday.com. If antibiotics alone don’t seem to be able to kick your BV, you may want to give boric acid a try. Although research is limited, it does seem to help improve the cure rate of vaginal yeast infections.

Be aware that BV is potentially dangerous for pregnant women. Pregnant women who have given birth to a baby weighing less than 5 pounds 8 ounces, or have had a premature delivery should be considered for a BV exam even if no symptoms are present. Check with your doctor to see if a probiotic regimen is appropriate for you. Specific strains of Lactobacillus are thought to inhibit the growth of BV-causing bacteria. Research shows that women who douche regularly encounter more health problems than women who do not douche.

can you treat bv at home

Although mild cases of BV may resolve on their own, treatment can help lower the risk of complications. These include metronidazole and clindamycin, which you may take as a pill or cream. Bacterial Infections 101 Get more information on bacterial skin infections, which bacteria cause food poisoning, sexually transmitted bacteria, and more. Despite advancements in treatment for vaginitis, dealing with this condition can be frustrating for many women. Some experience vaginitis as a chronic condition, even after multiple treatments or antibiotics.

These are available at most pharmacies and health food stores. Insert the garlic into the vagina, just past the cervix, and leave it there for 30 minutes to an hour. If possible, use a hand-held shower head to rinse off the yogurt.

can you treat bv at home

This article was co-authored by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS. Luba Lee, FNP-BC is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support , Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support , Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Tennessee in 2006.

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